Wednesday, November 5, 2008

stop right there..

I have had enough of everything. Y'know.. i once wrote in my blog somewhere..
Everythime I have a dream.. Somebody, Somewhere will make sure that my dream will stay as a lil girls dream. BENCI SANGAT!! I put 150% of my everything.. but it always goes wrong. Mesti ada yang tak kena. and that is why I have decided not to be in this business anymore. Sorry guys, Ayuni is out of the industry. I really just want to get a job. A job that I know I will hate but at least i'll be paid every month for hating it. Unless.. I dapat jadi Cikgu Tadika... Anyhow... This is it for me. Ayuni akhirnya dah give UP!


Lyn said...

What?? Just like that??

Ayuni Zamani said...

i'm sick n tired of everything babe. I have to look forward to something and this is not something that I feel i look forward to anymore...

Lyn said...

Ya lah but jangan la stop writing babe!