Friday, August 29, 2008

my dreams..

i am a writer. as a writer, i dream a lot. so many things going through my mind evry single day... while i drive.. while i cook.. while i am getting ready to sleep... ada je benda yang nak difikirkan.. namun untuk menjadi seorang penulis yang bagus.. yang terer... i can 't always rely on my imagination.. but i love writing.. itu yang pasti...anyhow... while growing up.. i have lots of dreams.. ambitions... i wanted to go to the states n study creative writing or journalism.. yeah .. i wanted to be a journalist of some sort.. but i didn't happen.. instead i started working n now i am a writer.. a scriptwriter... it's no different from being a journalist.. as a scriptwriter my intention is to educate people.. to inspire young minds... to tell the world about stuffs... i am happy wit what i am doing..

Thursday, August 28, 2008

apa itu cinta ?

Apa itu cinta ? setengah orang cakap cinta tu something yang sangat best.. cinta tu indah.... ahahhaha.... can i put it as bullshit ?? seriously... apa itu cinta ? cinta ialah suatu perasaan sayang terhadap seseorang yang kita kenal... suatu rasa yang kekadang sangat tak best... cinta tu cantik bila kite bercinta... kalau gaduh tak cantik kan ? mana mungkin cinta itu cantik bila orang yang kita cintai itu tidak merasakan yang sama... hmmmmm.... sebenarnya i don't really knows what it means.. i mean.. i am in love.. i am married to a man i love with evrything that i have... but apa itu cinta? saya sendiri tak bisa nak terangkan...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

being different sebenarnya best ...

I am different .. I know..I say what I feel like saying ... I do whatever I feel like doing.. I am not better than anyone else but at least I know what I want.. I am a writer.. I dream a lot.. I speak my mind.. salah ke ? tak kan ? I like being different.. although it can cost me my job.. my friends.. but then .. so what .. kerja boleh di cari.. kawan pun boleh diganti.. kalau tak boleh terima saya sebagai kawan.. tak payah kawan.. anyhow.. people yang suka sangat nak stab other people in the back are actually insecure... yes they are.. they can't face the fact that some one is going to be better than them... they think they're so great sampai bila nak stab people pun tak rasa apa... but then .. biarlah.. what goes around..comes around.. pasal tu jangan sesuka hati nak kenakan orang.. nanti terkena batang idung sendiri baru tau!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

and this is life

today was not a good day for me..
hoping so much that i'm preggers but m not..
a spot of you know wat appeared just an hour ago..
but hmmmm.... i am happy with where i am...
what am doing and with who i am....
oh god! i so hope that i am pregnant...
but i guess... the time ain't right kan ?
nak buat macam mana...
there's always next month..
but damn! i am a lil frustrated...
my P was a week late n now i am not pregnant!!
sedey ..... :(