Friday, October 31, 2008


Hmmm... dia pergi jugak. Mungkin untuk dapatkan CLOSURE like she said.. or maybe untuk menCLOSERkan diri kot... hahahahhaa..... Anyhow... itu keputusan yang diambil. Remember that u're really at risk . Emotionally and Mentally. All I can say is.. Good Luck and Have FUN!


Lyn said...

Ceh! sempat dia memblogging. Tidak jadi ke kota keriangan, hanya menCLOSERkan diri untk CLOSURE di kedai mamak mlm nanti..

p/s: atau akan jadi macam cite CLOSER? oh tidak!

Notes : dah tgk PS.ILY,gerry reminds me of zull, maybe the way he dressed kot? ;P

Ayuni Zamani said...

hahahhahaha...macam zull ??? hmmmm.. opsss jangan bgtau dia.. nanti terperasan plak... :P

Lyn said...

But he gonna read this blog anyway right? ;)

Btw it was closer which is also my closure ;) sambung later