In the course of two days, I have watched 4 movies. That is what I do all day being pregnant and all. I have my nap in the afternoon and I watch movies on dvd and I also cook and write a lil.
Movie #1 : Juno
A story of a 16 year old that got pregnant and be cool about it. She got pregnant by her bestfriend and decides to keep it and give it away for adoption. But the couple that was to take her baby has got some marital problems of their own but ends up taking the baby altogether. Its a good movie although all you 16 years old out there... make sure ur not pregnant at that age. In our culture its not acceptable. But seeong that kid pregnant makes me smile jugak... : )
Movie #2 : Wild Child
A cliche movie about a teen that is how should i put it..?? Rebelious? Well.. I'll put is as that lah. She was angry at her father for finding a "replacement" of her dead mom and her father got angry with her and sent her off to boarding school in England. While in England... she tried her very best to get expelled instead she found out that she likes being there and to make a story.. that school was the same school her mother went to as a teen.. ( what a coincidence eyh?) Anyhow.. this story is simple and also very same like the rest.. more or less like all the teen movies that stars Lindsay Lohan in her early years.
Movie #3 : Friends with money
A story about four girlfriends, Olivia, Jane, Fanny and Christine. All in their late thirties and trying to figure out their lifes. But mostly the story is more focused on Olivia who between the four of them is the most unlucky one. She was a teacher that quits her job and become a maid to support her life. All her other friends are sympathetic towards her but is not doing anything to actually help her as they themsleves have got their own problems. Anyhow.. the story was a lil slow and I actually slept through it the first time I watched it yesterday. In the end, Olivia found a man that like her but also super rich. and there you have people.. a happy ending with the end line is " Everybody has got problems too".
Movie #4: Get Smart
I watched this movie because I wan bored. Not actually my cup of tea but at least its better than James Bond ( no offence JB fans.. ). Its a light comedy thingy with all the secret agent crap. I watched it pun because Anne Hathaway is in it and I sooooo love her in "The Devil Wears Prada". Anyhow.... thats all I can say about it because I was watching it while eating Pizza and doing my work at the same time.
So there you have it. My so-called-movie-review. *LOL*...
Well.. I'd better go. Need to finish up my synopsis.